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HVAC Protocols for School Reopening

In preparation for the upcoming school year, the Division of School Facilities (DSF) is implementing a comprehensive and strategic approach to ensure every building has ventilation operating as designed. Custodial staff are performing regular maintenance on all heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. HVAC systems provide heating and cooling to our administrative and school buildings. These systems will be maintained in proper working order with a focus on fresh air intake, ventilation, exhaust and filtration. All air filters are being cleaned, replaced, or modified as required and will be maintained throughout the school year. DSF will utilize filters of a higher efficiency rating, where applicable
Policy Guidance
HVAC systems will be maintained in proper working order to maximize the supply of outdoor air for ventilation. All school buildings are provided with ventilation by a combination of the following systems: 
  • Supply and exhaust fans
  • Windows and exhaust fans
  • Combination of supply and exhaust fans and windows
  • HVAC systems - roof top units, air handling units and dedicated outside systems
These systems are installed to meet the Building Code Requirements at the time of design and construction.
  • Buildings that have supply and exhaust fans do not require operable windows. Windows can be used for additional air dilution and supplemental ventilation, or if the mechanical system fails.
  • For effective ventilation, windows will need to be open when the room is occupied. Buildings that have operable windows and exhaust fans meet the ventilation requirements. The windows must have 4% of the total square footage of the room opened when occupied. Please work with the custodial staff to ensure effective ventilation in rooms with windows.
  • Mechanical ventilation can be utilized with both supply and exhaust fans, or only exhaust fans and the use of windows for make-up air. When windows and exhaust fans are used, the window opening must equal 4% of the occupied floor area. 
  • Mechanical ventilation is provided by HVAC Units that supply fresh air into inner core rooms of buildings that do not have windows. Please speak with your custodian engineer to ensure fresh air is being supplied into any inner core rooms without windows in the building if comfort levels fluctuate. 
In preparation for the first day of school (FDOS), DSF has taken the following steps to ensure the systems that were installed meet the building code requirements at the time of design and construction.
  • Custodian engineers will maximize the mechanical ventilation provided by HVAC Units that supply fresh air into inner core rooms of buildings.
  • Custodial staff are performing regular maintenance on all HVAC systems. All air filters are being cleaned, replaced, or modified as required for FDOS and will be maintained throughout the school year. DSF will be upgrading filters to a higher efficiency rating, where applicable.
  • All HVAC equipment and the areas/rooms supported by these systems have been inspected by custodian engineers and will continue to be inspected daily to ensure proper operation.
  • Custodial staff will operate all applicable HVAC equipment and ventilate buildings two (2) hours prior to building occupancy and one (1) hour after building occupancy.